Spotlight on Unleashed

    Spotlight on Unleashed

    Unleashed Pet Rescue is a team of dedicated, compassionate heroes.

    When it's freezing cold outside, they're out providing shelter for pets that have none and trapping feral cats for spay/neuter and later returning them WITH new, warm shelters. 

    When it's blazing hot, they're out making sure pets kept outside in the community have shade, fresh water and necessary care.

    And every day, they take in one homeless pet after another, and not only keep them safe until they find a forever home, but make sure they have a comfy bed, a plush buddy to sleep with, a comfy kitty tower...the list goes on and on.

    Every animal they take in has a story, and though it may not always be known, this little shelter does everything it can to make sure those stories ALL have happy endings. I'm happy to say that personally, I've given a home to three furry kids from Unleashed! I've also fostered  a bunch, and it's been one of the best things I've done in my life. I encourage YOU to reach out to your local shelter and give it a try!

    All of the good work UPR does costs a LOT of money, which is why supporting Unleashed through sales of my artwork is something I will continue to do, always. It's such a great feeling to know that even a $10 donation can be translated into a blanket or a chew toy that might comfort a confused and frightened dog. Wow!

    Each week, beginning Monday, January 22, I will be featuring an Unleashed Pet of the Week on the blog, in hopes of getting some of those stories out into the world, helping some special fur kids find their adoptive families, and showing you just how much each dollar counts for these animals and the compassionate people helping them.

    Thank you for reading, and caring!

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